Aged Sticky Hash

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SKU:  628719126615

Extracts Inhaled

$30.90 $15.45/g

  • THC 380.00 - 460.00 mg/g
  • CBD 0.00 - 10.00 mg/g

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  • Online

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Extracts Inhaled - Jublee Aged Sticky Hash

Explore innovation with the all-new Jublee Aged Sticky Hash! Crafted with meticulous artistry inspired by afghani hash traditions, it delivers an authentically retro flavor and texture, paired with an innovative formulation approach. Perfect for rolling joints or sprinkling on your bowl, with its sticky and malleable texture, our Aged Sticky Hash blends tradition with modern science for a uniquely captivating effect.


THC: 380.00 - 460.00 mg/g

CBD: 0.00 - 10.00 mg/g