Discover the Next Wave of Weed With Vaporizers
Vaporizers represent a non-combustible way of consuming cannabis flower or extract products. Vaporizers heat up cannabis flower or extracts like wax to the point where the active components, including the cannabinoids and terpenes, are released as vapor that can be inhaled by the consumer, prior to the cannabis flower or extract being combusted and producing smoke. Some specific versions of some popular dry cannabis vaporizers, like the Storz and Bickel Volcano Classic, have been designated as medical devices by Health Canada, and preliminary reviews of the relevant research indicate that “Vapourization of cannabis is likely less harmful than smoking.”
Vaporizer Types
Vaporizers can be most easily categorized based on the type of product they are used to consume. Dry cannabis vaporizers, like the Yocan Ishred Dry Vaporizer Kit Grinder Combo are designed to be used with cannabis flower. Concentrate vaporizers, like the popular Yocan Evolve Plus are designed to be used with cannabis concentrates or extracts like wax. Some dry cannabis vaporizers use inhalation systems such as bags that fill with vapor or long plastic mouthpieces, commonly known as “whips”, and some allow the consumer to use both, depending on preference, like the Arizer Extreme-Q Vaporizer. Most concentrate vaporizers, by comparison, generally operate either by pushing a button or by direct inhalation by the consumer.
Featured Vaporizer Brands
At The Joint we carry the largest collection of the best vaporizer brands, whether for dry herbs like cannabis flower or extracts like wax. Some of our most popular vaporizer brands include Atmos, Yocan, PAX, and Airistech. With many different brands to choose from, buying a cannabis wax vaporizer online in Canada has never been easier.
Largest Assortment and Lowest Cost
The Joint is proud to offer the largest collection of cannabis vaporizers in Canada, combined with the best customer service and the lowest cost, making buying the best cannabis wax vaporizer online in Canada seamless and transparent.
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